13 Jun. 2024 - 5 minutes read


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Introduction to the ESRS Library

Tekmon has launched a public, comprehensive ESRS Library to improve data management in an evolving regulatory environment. 

Our easy-to-navigate ESRS Library offers a complete breakdown of every environmental, social, and governance data point you will need to disclose in your 2025 ESG reports covering the previous fiscal year.

The library is fully embedded into our ESG platform, enabling efficient data collection, validation, and data management, simplifying the ESG reporting process and XBRL format export.

How to Navigate the ESRS Library?

Example: Finding Pollution-Related Disclosure Requirements (ESRS E2-2)

Step 1 - Click on the dashboard above the instructions.

Step 2 - Select "ESRS E2" to view its full set of disclosure requirements.

Step 3 - Clicking on the “E2-2 - Actions and resources related to pollution” disclosure link, which opens a detailed guide, where you'll find:

  • Page 1: step-by-step reporting instructions

  • Page 2: the disclosure requirements,

  • Page 3: reporting requirements and the codified data points

  • Page 4: Application requirements

Under E2-2, you'll find guidance on reporting pollution-related actions and the resources allocated to their implementation. For example, this includes actions aimed at reducing pollution, such as phasing out harmful materials or restoring polluted ecosystems.

Want to learn more about the ESRS library?

Want to learn more about the ESRS library?